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Protection of personal data

Mandatory information on the rights of individuals with regard to personal data protection (Privacy notice)

General information

From 25 May 2018 a new General Data Protection Regulation adopted by the European Union enters into force. The Regulation aims to ensure the protection of the data of natural persons from all EU Member States and to align the regulations for their processing.

In his capacity as controller of personal data for the provision of printed services, RAW TEX CO. LTD meets all the requirements of the new regulation by collecting only data of the persons insofar as they are necessary for the provision of the service and keeping them responsibly and lawfully.

What is personal data?

Personal data within the meaning of Article 2(1) of the Personal Data Protection Act are any information relating to a natural person who is identified or can be identified directly or indirectly by an identification number or by one or more specific indications.

Several examples of personal data are: names, PIN, address, telephone, place of birth, passport data of the person (physical identity); marital status and kinship (family identity); professional biography (work); health status, psychological and/or mental state, sexual orientation (medical data); racial or ethnic origin, political, religious or philosophical beliefs (public identity); property, financial position, participation and/or holding of shares or securities of companies (economic identity), etc.

We collect personal data only for the provision of products and services that you have requested and use with us, both to fulfill contractual and pre-contractual obligations, as well as to offer the best quality complex service on the market.


Information about the Data Controller


UIC/BULSTAT: BG101797272

Registered office and address: Petrich, 2850, 2850 Petrich Str. 5 Paraskeva Filipova Str.

Address for the exercise of the activity: Petrich, 2850, 2850 Petrich Str. 5 Paraskeva Filipova Str.

Correspondence details: Petrich, 2850, 2850 Petrich Str. 5 Paraskeva Filipova Str.

E-mail: [email protected]

Tel: +359 885 561 521

Information on the competent supervisory authority

Name: Commission for Personal Data Protection

Registered office and address of management: 1592 Sofia Blvd. "Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ. 2 Tsvetan Lazarov Str.

Correspondence data: 1592 Sofia Blvd. "Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ. 2 Tsvetan Lazarov Str.

Phone:02 915 3 518

Email: [email protected][email protected]

Website: www.cpdp.bg

RAW TEX CO. LTD carries out its activities in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. 

Grounds for collecting, processing and storing your personal data

Art. 1. (1) RAW TEX CO. LTD collects and processes your personal data in connection with the provision of polygraph services and conclusion of contracts with the company on the basis of Art. 6, para. Regulation (EU) 2016/679, and in particular on the basis of the following:

Objectives and principles for the collection, processing and storage of your personal data

Art. 2. (1) RAW TEX CO. LTD collects and processes the personal data that you provide to us in connection with the use of our polygraph services and for concluding a contract with the company, as well as for recording to participate in our events, or by applying for a job at RAW TEX CO. LTD, including for the following purposes:

(2) Upon conclusion of a contract with a commercial partner, we collect and process personal data about the names of the legal representative of the legal person – party to the contract, for the purposes of individualizing the party to the contract and its performance.

(3) The contact details of the legal representative or contact officer shall be business information and shall not be regarded as personal data as such.

(4) When concluding a contract with a partner – a natural person, we collect and process personal data about the full names, a single civil number and data on an IDENTITY document (number, date of issue, publisher), for the purposes of individualizing the party to the contract and its performance.

(5) RAW TEX CO. LTD complies with the following principles when processing your personal data:


(6) In the processing and storage of personal data, RAW TEX CO. LTD may process and store personal data in order to protect its following legitimate interests:

What types of personal data collects, processes and stores RAW TEX CO. LTD?

Art. 3. (1) RAW TEX CO. LTD performs the following operations with the personal data for the following purposes:


 (2) RAW TEX CO. LTD processes the following categories of personal data and information for the following purposes and on the following grounds:


(3) RAW TEX CO. LTD  does not collect or process personal data that relate to the following:

(4) The personal data have been collected by RAW TEX CO. LTD  from the persons to whom they relate.

(5) The Company does not carry out automated decision-making with data.

Shelf life of your personal data

Art. 4. (1) RAW TEX CO. LTD terminates the use of your personal data for the purposes related to the contractual relationship, after termination of the contract or after its expiry, but we do not delete them before the expiry of one year from termination of the contract or expiration of its term or until final settlement of all financial obligations and expiration of the statutory obligations for storing the data, such as obligations under the Electronic Communications Act for storing and providing information for the purposes of detecting and investigating criminal offences , obligations (6 months) under the Accountancy Act for the storage and processing of accounting data (11 years), expiration of the limitation periods for claiming (5 years) set out in the Obligations and Contracts Act, obligations to provide information to the court, competent state authorities, etc. provided for in the legislation in force (5 years).

(2)RAW TEX CO. LTD stores your personal data as a job applicant for no longer than the presence of an up-to-date job advertisement, published on our website or elsewhere. After the expiry of the notice or completion of the selection,RAW TEX CO. LTD takes the necessary care to delete and destroy all your data without undue delay or to anonymize it (i.e. to bring it into a form that does not disclose your personality), unless you give your explicit consent that your data will continue to be stored and processed in the future.

(3)RAW TEX CO. LTD stores the personal data of the legal representatives of the legal entities – parties to a contract or the natural persons- partners under a contract with the company indefinitely, for the purposes of protecting the legitimate interest of RAW TEX CO. LTD and fulfillment of its legal obligations to state bodies and institutions.


Transfer of your personal data for processing

Art. 5. (1) RAW TEX CO. LTD may, at its sole discretion, transfer some or all of your personal data to processors for the fulfilment of processing purposes in compliance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679.

(2) RAW TEX CO. LTD notifies you in case of intention to transfer some or all of your personal data to third countries or international organizations.

Your rights in the collection, processing and storage of your personal data 

Withdrawal of consent to the processing of your personal data 

Art. 6. (1) If you do not wish all or part of your personal data to continue to be processed by RAW TEX CO. LTD for specific or all processing purposes, you may at any time withdraw your consent to processing by contacting us via a free text request.

(2)RAW TEX CO. LTD may ask you to verify your identity and identity with the person to which the data relate.

Right of access

Art. 7. (1) You have the right to request and receive fromRAW TEX CO. LTD confirmation of whether personal data related to you are being processed.

(2) You have the right to access the data related to it as well as the information relating to the collection, processing and storage of your personal data.

(3)RAW TEX CO. LTD provides you, upon request, with a copy of the processed personal data relating to you in electronic or other appropriate form.

(4) The provision of access to the data is free of charge, but RAW TEX CO. LTD reserves the right to impose an administrative fee in case of recurrence or excessiveness of requests.

Right to rectification or replenishment

Art. 8. You may correct or fill in the inaccurate or incomplete personal data relating to you directly through your website account or by requesting RAW TEX CO. LTD.


Right to erasure ("to be forgotten")

Art. 9.(1) You have the right to request from RAW TEX CO. LTD deletion of the personal data related to you and RAW TEX CO. LTD has the obligation to delete them without undue delay where there are any of the following grounds:

(2)RAW TEX CO. LTD. is not obliged to delete the personal data if it stores and processes them:

(3) In order to exercise your right to "forgetting", you should submit with a written request sent to RAW TEX CO. LTD as well as to verify your identity and identity with the person to which the data refer to RAW TEX CO. LTD by presenting on the spot your ID card for identification purposes. (4)RAW TEX CO. LTD does not delete the data that it has a legal obligation to store, including for protection against legal claims made against it or proof of its rights.

Right to restriction

Art. 10. You have the right to request from RAW TEX CO. LTD to restrict the processing of the data related to you when:


Right to restriction

Art. 10. You have the right to request from RAW TEX CO. LTD to restrict the processing of the data related to you when:

Right to portability

Art. 11. (1) You may at any time download the data that is stored and processed for you in connection with the use of the services of RAW TEX CO. LTD by email request.

(2) You may request from RAW TEX CO. LTD to directly transfer your personal data to a controller designated by you, where technically feasible.

Right to receive information

Art. 12. You can request from RAW TEX CO. LTD to inform you about all recipients to whom the personal data for which rectification, erasure or restriction of processing has been requested have been disclosed. RAW TEX CO. LTD may refuse to provide this information if this would be impossible or requires disproportionate effort.

Right to object

Art. 13. You may object at any time to the processing of personal data by RAW TEX CO. LTD that refer to you, including if they are processed for profiling or direct marketing purposes.

Your rights in case of a breach of the security of your personal data

Art. 14. (1) If RAW TEX CO. LTD has established a breach of the security of your personal data, which may pose a high risk to your rights and freedoms, we notify you without undue delay of the breach, as well as of the measures taken or to be taken.

(2) RAW TEX CO. LTD is not obliged to notify you if:


Persons to whom your personal data is provided

Art. 15. (1) Data processors on behalf of RAW TEX CO. LTD:

(2) Data processors in their own name

Art. 16. The controller does not transfer your data to third countries.

Other provisions

Art. 17. In case of violation of your rights under the above or applicable data protection legislation, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Commission for Personal Data Protection as follows:

Name: Commission for Personal Data Protection

Registered office and address of management: 1592 Sofia Blvd. "Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ. 2 Tsvetan Lazarov Str.

Correspondence data: 1592 Sofia Blvd. "Prof. Dr.Sc.(Econ. 2 Tsvetan Lazarov Str.

Phone:02 915 3 518

Email: [email protected][email protected]

Website: www.cpdp.bg

Art. 18. You can exercise all your rights regarding the protection of your personal data through the forms attached to this information. Of course, these forms are optional and you can make your requests in any form that contains a statement of this and identifies you as the data holder.


Art. 19. If the consent concerns a transfer, the Controller shall describe the possible risks to the transfer of the data to third countries in the absence of a decision on adequate protection and appropriate remedies.

Art. 20(1). When assigning RAW TEX CO. LTD to process personal data of a third party for the purposes of using the service, RAW TEX CO. LTD acts as a processor.

(2). In the cases under para. 1, RAW TEX CO. LTD acts only on your instructions as a user of the service and only to the extent that it can have control over the personal data you process. RAW TEX CO. LTD has no control over the content and data that you as a user of the service choose to load in the service (including if such data includes or does not include personal data). In this case, RAW TEX CO. LTD has no role in the decision-making process whether the user uses the service for processing personal data, for what purposes and whether they are protected. Accordingly, the responsibility of RAW TEX CO. LTD  in this case is limited to 1) compliance with the instructions of the user of the service according to the contract and general terms and conditions and 2) the provision of information about the service.

Cookie Policy

RAW TEX CO. LTD's website uses cookies that are important for his correct work. By visiting our site, you accept the use of biscuits. 

Grounds for collecting, processing and storing your personal data

Types of cookies we use:

These cookies are necessary for the correct operation of the website. For example, with these cookies we show you the information on our site in the correct language.

Thanks to these cookies, we monitor the attendance of our site and can analyze how easily our users work with it (Google Analytics cookies). These cookies do not give us any information about your personal data. They show us which pages of our site you have viewed, whether you have visited our site through a mobile or desktop device, and other anonymous data. For Google Analytics, we also use IP anonymization using _anonymizelp. The maximum period in which we keep analytics in Google Analytics is 50 months.

These cookies allow you to use the full functionality of our site, watch the videos on it and more.

These cookies contain information about how you used our site and can be triggered by our advertising partners. They do not store personal information. Thanks to them, you will not be shown information that is irrelevant to you. These are dynamic cookies on Facebook, Google, Adform, Adwise and more.

The cookie settings you receive from our site can be made in the browser you use. Please note that if you restrict certain types of cookies, our site may not work completely correctly and you may not be able to use its full functionality.

What security measures have we taken at RAW TEX CO. LTD with regard to the security of the personal data you store on our infrastructure?

The security of any type of information, including personal data located on our infrastructure, is a priority for us as a company. Security is something we can't afford to compromise on. 
In addition to making every effort to fully respond to the new privacy regulation, our site and email server structure are protected by our hosting and internet providers. For maximum security in the processing, transfer and storage of your data, we may use additional security mechanisms such as encryption, pseudonymy, log files of data processing activities in automated processing systems, etc. RAW TEX CO. LTD regularly conducts trainings of its employees on measures for personal data protection.

In order to implement the most up-to-date protection measures and in order to comply with the legislation in force, we will regularly update this Privacy Policy. If the changes we make are material, we may post a notice of the changes made to our website. We invite you to regularly review the current version of this Privacy Policy, to be constantly informed about how we take care of the protection of the personal data we collect.

This Privacy Policy was last updated on 23.05.2018.


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