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General Terms and Conditions


within the meaning of the e-commerce law


With each order, the user accepts the following general terms and conditions of www.unaverastar.com.

By selecting the option "ORDER" you do not enter into a deal with the company, but only state that you want to receive the item to a courier's address or office. A transaction is accepted only upon payment of the item. In this sense, with the "ORDER" button, you do not purchase the item until you pay for it.

The company does not guarantee the availability of the announced models. It is possible to cancel a released request. Only the one where the item is available, the price and data are correct and the availability of our online consultants is confirmed. Only an order that appears in the system with the status "Sent" is considered as an accepted request. Orders with the status "Processed", "Canceled", "No Availability" have not been confirmed.

The company is not obliged to respond to received online messages from customers within a certain time frame. In case of unavailability of an item, we notify customers about this in person by phone or e-maill. In case we cannot contact the customer by phone (not responding or the phone is not correct) the order is cancelled within 12 hours. The order can be re-stated after the customer contacts us for clarification.

General terms and conditions of distance purchase and sale contracts within the meaning of the Consumer Protection Act between

  Company "RAW TEX Co. Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria Petrich Str. 35 Dunav Str., BG101797272 hereinafter referred to as PROVIDER

Art. 3. (1) of ZIT/24.12.2006 A service provider shall be a natural or legal person providing information society services on the one hand,
and on the other hand , the person who agrees to these "General Terms and Conditions", called below for brevity USER (Recipient of services is a natural or legal person who uses information society services for professional or other purposes, including for the purposes of seeking information or providing access to it), in connection with the application and purchase of the offered goods through an e-shop www.unaverastar.com

Art.1. The Provider shall provide the User with the opportunity, subject to these "General Terms and Conditions" to request the goods offered in an www.unaverastar.com store.

Art.2. The Provider publishes its offers on a website: www.unaverastar.com
with the following information:

- a description of the main characteristics and a realistic representation of each product, according to the information specified by the manufacturer;
- the selling price as well as a tariff on the value of courier costs not included in the price of the goods relating to their delivery;
- information on the methods of payment, delivery and performance of the contract;
* the right of the User, the terms and manner to withdraw from the contract and the conditions under which the goods may be returned, except in the cases under the "Consumer Protection Act";
* any other information that the supplier is obliged, in accordance with the Bulgarian legislation, to provide the User in a timely manner before purchasing the goods by the User.

Art.3. In order to obtain the right to make valid requests for request for receipt of the goods offered in www.unaverastar.com, the User must provide an address for receiving the order and an up-to-date phone number.  The User guarantees that the data he provides is correct, complete and accurate and, if the latter change, will update them in a timely manner. No part of this data will be used for other purposes.

Art.4. By the act of providing the data requested above, the User expresses "online" consent to these General Terms and Conditions, by which he is considered bound by their clauses.

Art.5. Upon request, the e-shop www.unaverastar.com the User about the recording of his order in the system at the email address specified by him/ her. Saving the request is not considered an order, but only a record, a desire to deliver. Online boutique UNA VERA STAR reserves the right to refuse orders due to the unavailability of the item, misspelled offer (technical department errors - wrong price, description or size). A representative of the store takes action to contact the User in order to specify the delivery time of the requested goods (subject to availability of the item, delivery takes place the next day before 6 p.m. For non-compliance with the time limiter, the courier company, which has previously submitted to the supplier an assurance that it will deliver the shipments sent by it before 6 p.m. Orders sent after 3:30 p.m. remain for the next day. Orders from couriers' non-working days (Saturday and Sunday) are processed on Mondays and delivered on Tuesdays. In case of incomplete, incorrect or incorrect address and/or telephone number when submitting the application, the order is considered invalid and no obligation arises for the Provider to fulfill it. The request shall take effect between the parties from the moment of confirmation between the contacted representative of the e-shop www.unaverastar.com and the User who submitted and made the specific request, preceded by confirmation by a representative of the e-shop of the availability of the goods requested for delivery.

Art.6. All prices are in Bulgarian levs per piece. The specified prices of the individual goods are per unit and do not include the cost of delivery. Delivery costs are BGN 4.22. to address monday to Friday and 3.55 BGN to Speedy's office. Price delivery to address only on Saturdays is 7.22. Prices include all taxes and fees.

Art.7. The price under Art. The user undertakes to pay the sale price of the goods purchased by him and the courier services related to its delivery.

Art.8. The goods requested for purchase shall be delivered with suitable packaging and transport according to its type at the delivery address specified by the User within a sufficient time limit agreed between the Representative of e-shop www.unaverastar.com and the User.

Art.9. The goods are transmitted to the delivery address of the User or to a third party - a representative of the User, who accepts and confirms the receipt of the same on behalf of the User. Upon delivery of the goods, the User or the third party - representative of the User sign the accompanying documents, serving as confirmation of the delivery of the goods. In the event that the User is not found within the delivery period at the address specified by him or access and conditions for delivery of the goods are not provided within this period, the Provider shall be relieved of his obligation to deliver the requested goods. The consumer can confirm his wish to receive the goods after the expiry of the delivery period, during which he has not been found at the address, in borne all the costs of delivery. In this case, a new delivery period shall begin to run from the moment of confirmation under the preceding sentence.

Art.10. The Provider undertakes: to transfer to the User the de facto power of the purchased goods after payment of the payment imposed to the courier; deliver the goods requested for purchase within the agreed period; due diligence in the performance of its duties.

Art.11. The Provider has the right:
- to make electronic references to other websites and resources for the sale of goods and the provision of services by third parties, including electronic references pointing to other websites; - to send to the User messages for the receipt of which the User has subscribed; refuse requests from consumers due to technical errors (incorrect publication price, mis-description, poor appearance of the goods, unavailability, etc.).

Art.12. The Provider shall:

makes sure that the information in the store is always correct and up-to-date, but does not guarantee the reliability and completeness of the store (errors are possible when describing an item, prices and sizes). In these cases, online boutique Una Vera Star reserves the right to refuse orders by notifying the user thereof.
is not responsible for not providing access to the store, as well as for the unprocessing or untimely processing of purchase requests, in circumstances beyond its control - cases of force majeure, accidental events, problems in the global Internet network;
does not guarantee that access to the store will be uninterruptible, timely, secure and error-free, insofar as this is beyond its capacity, control and will;
insofar as it has no objective possibility and obligation and does not control the websites and resources made available through the electronic references placed in the store and in the profile;
is not responsible for the illegal nature of the content and materials available on these websites and resources;
does not have the obligation and objective ability to control the way the User uses the store.
does not change the details that the system automatically generates and cannot be removed without the intervention of the creators of the platform (automatic payment and delivery methods) that the creators of the online platform embed when updating the version automatically.

Art.13. The User undertakes:

provide an accurate and valid telephone number, delivery address and e-mail address for correspondence; In case of inaccurate data, online boutique Una Vera Star does not undertake to send a shipment to the user and has the right to cancel an order request.
not to dispute falsely entered information from a technical department on the site (misdi description, prices and dimensions)
pay the price of the goods it has requested;
to pay the cost of delivery, except in cases where the delivery costs remain at the expense of the Supplier;
to receive the goods;

Art.14. The User has the right to:

online access to the Provider, subject to the conditions and requirements of access, except in circumstances beyond the control of the Provider - cases of force majeure, accidental events, problems in the global Internet network;
refuse to receive the goods requested by him for purchase in compliance with the legal requirements /Obligations and Contracts Act, Consumer Protection Act/;
The period for exercising the right of withdrawal shall be 14 days. In this sense, pursuant to Art. 50, para. 1 of the CPA, the consumer has the right to withdraw from the distance contract without giving a reason, without due compensation or penalty and without paying any costs, with the exception of 1) the additional costs of supplying the goods, where the consumer has expressly chosen a method of delivery of the goods other than the cheapest type of standard delivery offered by the trader and (2) the costs of returning the goods.

For the exercise of the right of withdrawal from the contract, the trader shall also provide consumers with a standard form according to the model provided for in the law. Upon receipt of the withdrawal from the contract, the trader must confirm receipt to the consumer.

There is also a 14-day period within which the trader is obliged to refund the amounts paid by the consumer for the purchase and delivery of the goods. The costs that can be passed on to the consumer are those for the reverse delivery of the goods to the trader. The refund of a cash amount is done in the same order as the user has paid for the item – that is, the user sends the item to the seller with cash on delivery at his own expense. The seller receives the goods and pays the amount directly to the courier. The courier is obliged to report the amount paid to the user under the terms of a courier company's deliveries (usually the next day).

Art.15. The User undertakes:

comply with the terms and conditions for making claims and requests for the replacement of requested goods, terms and conditions published on the e-commerce website www.unaverastar.com and declares that it is considered bound by these terms and conditions
to comply with the Bulgarian legislation, these General Terms and Conditions, internet ethics, the rules of morality and good manners;
not infringe foreign property or non-pecuniary rights, including intellectual property rights;
to immediately notify the Provider of any case of committed or detected violation when using the store;
notify the owner of the online store if he notices incorrect information entered (usually the wrong price)
not to interfere with the proper functioning of the system, including, but not limited to, not to interfere with the identification procedure of another user, not to access outside the one provided to him, not to prevent other users from using the store;
not to perform malicious acts within the meaning of these General Terms and Conditions.
not to use the site for the purpose of copyright theft
not to carry out verification or monitoring without an explicit prior written notice to the registration address of the companies containing www.avinonline.com with a written explanation for taking or taking effect of forthcoming actions

In case of non-compliance with the obligations, the Provider is entitled to compensation for all damages and lost profits, which are a direct and immediate consequence of the failure of the User to comply with the obligations under the preceding paragraph. In such cases, the Provider has the right to refer the matter to the competent state authorities for the establishment of the infringement concerned. 

Article.16 The agreement between the parties is terminated upon the occurrence of any of the following circumstances: cessation of the activity by the Provider; cessation of the maintenance of the store; by giving one week's notice to the other party in the event of non-performance of its obligations under the contract or in other cases provided for by law. Only cases where there is payment shall be considered as a contract. An item order and request on the site is not a contract.

Article.17 The written form shall be deemed to have been complied with by sending e-mail, pressing an electronic button on a page with content to be filled in by the User or marking in a field on the Website of the Provider and the like, in so far as the statement is recorded technically in a way that allows it to be reproduced.
For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, the following terms and expressions used in these General Terms and Conditions have the following meanings:
"Website/Site" is a distinct place on the global Internet network, accessible through its unified address (URL) under the HTTP protocol, HTTPS or other standardized protocol and containing files, programs, text, sound, picture, image or other materials and resources.
"Website" is an integral and distinct part of a website. www.unaverastar.com is an e-commerce website - for sale of goods at a distance, which are delivered after their explicit request by the User.
"User" is a natural person over the age of 18 or a legal person who is registered in the Republic of Bulgaria and has agreed to these General Terms and Conditions.

"Consumer" is a consumer within the meaning of § 13, item 1 of the additional provisions of the Consumer Protection Act.

"E-mail" is an electronic means for storing and transporting electronic communications over an internet network through standardized protocols.

"Selling price" means the final price per unit or for a certain quantity of good or service, including value added tax and any additional taxes and charges.
"Electronic reference" means a link indicated on a particular website that allows automated referral to another website, information resource or object through standardized protocols.

standardised protocols.
"Information system /System" means any individual device or set of interconnected or similar devices which, in the performance of a particular program, provides, or one of the elements of which it provides, automatic data processing.
"IP address" is a unique identification number, an associated computer, website or user resource, in a way that allows their localization on the global Internet network.
'Commercial communications' means advertisements or other communications representing directly or indirectly the goods, services or reputation of a person carrying out a commercial or craft activity or pursuing a regulated profession.

"Malicious acts" are acts or omissions that violate internet ethics or harm individuals connected to the Internet or associated networks, sending unsolicited mail (unsolicited commercial messages, spam, junk mail), flooding, gaining access to resources with foreign rights and passwords, using flaws in systems for their own gain or obtaining information (hack), performing actions , which can be classified as industrial espionage or sabotage, damage or destruction of systems or data sets (crack), sending "Trojan horses" or inducing the installation of viruses or remote control systems, disturbing the normal operation of other users of the Internet and associated networks, performing any actions that may qualify as a crime or administrative violation under Bulgarian law or other applicable law.

The General Terms and Conditions may be changed unilaterally by the Provider, who, after making the changes, undertakes to notify the User by sending to his e-mail and/or publishing a notice of this on the website. Changes in the General Terms and Conditions do not affect the relationship between the User and the Provider, arising with a valid request for purchase of goods submitted before the notification.
The provisions of the legislation in force in the Republic of Bulgaria shall apply to outstanding matters.

All prices are in Bulgarian levs, including VAT. The specified prices of the individual goods are for the respective number and do not include the cost of delivery.

By the act of his registration, the User expresses "online" consent to these General Terms and Conditions, by which he is considered bound by their clauses. From the moment the User is bound by the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions, the possibility arises for the User to make valid requests for receipt of the goods.

By the act of registration, the User consents to receive the advertising Bulletin of an online store www.unaverastar.com
In case the User does not wish to receive the Advertising Bulletin, he must explicitly inform the Provider by sending his request to the e-mail

In case of refusal of an order, the user undertakes to immediately notify the online department of the on-call telephones of his wish and to send by e-mail a standard declaration of refusal with the following information:

Standard form for exercising the right of withdrawal:

(fill in and submit this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract - here)

The General Terms and Conditions may be changed unilaterally by the Provider, who, after making the changes, undertakes to notify the User by sending to his e-mail and/or publishing a notice of this on the website. Changes in the General Terms and Conditions do not affect the relationship between the User and the Provider, arising with a valid request for purchase of goods submitted before the notification.



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